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  • Marie

Earth Day 2018

After turning our lights and appliances off for on hour on Earth Hour, it is now time to give our planet credits and raise our voices on 22 April to celebrate Earth Day 2018.

As one of the largest event followed by millions of people throughout the world, the Earth Day initiative and associated campaigns, events and communications are led by the Earth Day Network which has declared 2018 the year to "End Plastic Pollution".

The Network invites everyone, individuals, ONG, authorities, companies but also influencers, athletes, students and make a pledge to control and reduce the use of plastic on a daily basis throuh awareness campaigns and self-launched projects.

Finding information regarding events and campaigns in Zug/in the region isn't an easy thing, and Swiss participation generally limits itself to Geneva. However the "Filme für die Erde" (Films for the Earth) Community supports Earth Day by showing the movie "Inhabit - a Permaculture Perspective" in various cinemas of the region on 22 April, see trailer below. Click here to look at the schedule in various places in German-speaking Switzerland (sadly, nothing in Zug...).

Pic/ Logo Earth Day Network found online

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