Between 15 November and 15 December 2018, more than 60 French YouTubers will share positive challenges and everyone in the world is invited to take part
and share actions and results online but also among local communities.
To support the project OUTSIDE THE BOX will be listing the suggested actions week after week, from French to English, to hopefully influence our readers all over the world to start small but eventually be part of a bigger movement.
This is the last week of the #OnEstPret challenges, with a full set of opportunities we can surely see 2019 as a way to promote individual and collective actions towards a more sustainable world.
Click on the picture on the left to see the original videos of each challenge (in French).
Do not hesitate to share your comments about these tasks and tell us how it has been going to move on!
Day 22
Eat 100% vegetarian food to reduce your carbon footprint.
The reason behind: in France, 25% of the CO2 emissions are related to food production and consumption, for which meat and fish represent 50%. Reducing your meat consumption will reduce your individual ecological footprint and collectively we can hopefully have an impact to improve the quality of the meat industry.
Day 23
Contact your city's representatives to ask for organic / biological / vegetarian meals in schools' and companies' canteens.
The reason behind: with 3 billion meals served each year in French canteens, the impact of reducing meat consumption can be massive not only in terms of CO2 emissions but also in terms of the quality of what is served in our plates.
Day 24
on December 8th, climate walks are organized all over the world !! Have you joined any?
Day 25
Pick a bank that shares sustainable values and, if you can, financially support the ecological transition through crowdfunding or impact investment projects.
The reason behind it: French banks finance fossil-fuels-related projects and organizations, ten times more than those related to renewable energies.
Day 26
Look at the possible offers of renewable energies from existing energy suppliers.
The reason behind it: The share of renewable energy consumed in France only reaches 16%. The more consumers of renewables are on the market, the more pressure it can put on the suppliers to change their offers and improve our goals as a society.

Day 27
Reduce the temperature at home to reduce your energy consumption. If you leave in a hot climate, increase the HVAC temperature by a few degrees instead.
The reason behind it: heating can represent up to 2/3 of the energy requirements of an average household. By reducing the temperature by one degree only you could already make 7% savings.
Day 28
When you shop, try to support little, local shops and suppliers.
The reason behind it: 62% of French people shop outside of the cities (in hypermarkets and shopping centers for example), which puts a lot of pressure on the community shops and local brands in the cities. It also gives a lot of power to large retail brands which put the prices down and negatively impact agricultural business and food producers for example.
Day 29
It is time to assess what you have done in the past month of challenges!
What has worked? What have you managed to do, and what has been difficult, if not impossible to achieve?
Share your feedback online using #OnEstPret and do not hesitate to go back to the page on OUTSIDE THE BOX that centralizes the entire set of challenges to engage your friends and relatives to take part!
Day 30
Turn one of the past challenges into a collective action to make it even more meaningful.
For example, organize a training or a workshop with your colleagues or an assocation locally. Start a recycling or an energy-saving campaign in your office or in your neighbourhood.

Day 31
Pick one of the challenges that you want to follow for life!
It is said that 21 days are sufficient to break (bad) habits, so with life-long opportunities in your hands, make a difference and keep on with the good ecological work!