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Latest news in Zug - mobility special

Do you remember when we discussed here whether the launch of freefloating e-scooters made any sense in Zug?

Well well well.... Our first mobility update is the removal of the 200 scooters from the streets of the city, after less than a year in place. The original owner Circ, was bought inbetween by its competitor Bird, which evaluated the negative financial viability of the project in the canton.

The quick way in and out of e-scooters in town has arrived paved the way to a new type of mobility and let the authorities and inhabitants to try new traffic rules on the road. These will of course remain relevant to private e-scooters owners and users.


Other somehow-expected news: the little MyShuttle driverless red bus which was introduced as new mode of transportation in December 2018 and tested from October last year, will most probably not become a standard on the roads.

While the SBB explains that the testing phase helped understand the vehicle's acceptance by other stakeholders on the streets and assess the technology as part of the public transportation network. Other comments however point at its limited speed in the traffic and its limitations against possible possible obstacles on the road.

A report covering the results of the test phase is still to be shared by the different organizations involved in the project.


Are we allowed to shake-shake a little and conclude this article with a good old "we told you so"?

Yes we are!

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