If you have found some stars in people's eyes, make sure to follow these people with special care: there is always something exciting and creative to look for in their adventures.
And if it happens to be also on sustainability, you can be sure that the journey will be fun and mindful at the same time.
Do you remember Katrin, founder of The Green Event Planner, that we interviewed some months ago on OUTSIDE THE BOX?!
Last Thursday she and Simone from Wortheldin organized the first Sustainable Start-up networking event in Zurich, which I was proud and excited to join.
In a few words and in front of a surprisingly bigger crowd than expected, Katrin told her story and how she looked into sustainable event planning not only as a business niche in Switzerland, but as a key role to play to make the event industry more responsible on the long term. Since our interview in December, she has even become an officially-certified "sustainable event planner" and has looked into a lot more issues that the industry should tackle, from the usual waste or travel emissions to human rights and gender equality.
Her cards in her hands, a huge, contagious smile on her face, Katrin shared the vibe that we at OUTSIDE THE BOX had been missing for a while. And there was surely no disappointment in meeting a bunch of nice, creative and motivated people who all aim at making a difference.
Many already had a project in place, many others were looking for inspiration. Stories we gathered and shared included the making of soap, weaving of plastic thread in India to create office supplies, designing bags using apples or hemp, managing IT solutions for people to share their un-used stuff for free, or the fair integration on the job markets through sustainable start-ups.
It's been an overwhelming event, with so many good intentions and positive attitude that going back to "real life" has been a little weird thing the day after.
We leave you with some of the people's smiles, until we get to interview them on OUTSIDE THE BOX.
And if you want to join the next events to come, follow The Green Event Planner on Facebook.