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No roses for Valentines!

Yes, we know, Valentines is a commercial event created by flower shops to increase their sales...

Well, whether you believe in this or not and plan to cherish your loved one with a little present tomorrow on February 14th, we strongly advise that you look into the footprint of your gifts:

  • Try and buy local and support local brands and businesses.

  • Chose seasonal flowers instead of buying roses, which are imported y plane to Europe at this time of the year: the environmental impact of a bouquet is huge and can be compared to the one of a flight between Paris and London. Many beautiful, seasonal alternatives are available, and look into producers within your region!

  • Along this line, avoid shopping in places such as Rosenboerse in Zug which provide fresh roses from Ecuador on a daily basis. While the brand "places great emphasis on human and eco-friendly production", daily delivery from Ecuador is an environmental non-sense.

  • If you are still looking for a vegetal present, aim for potted flowers or trees that can be taken care of on the long term. Cut flowers after all will only last a few days maximum.

  • Your darling has a sweet tooth and would love some chocolate? Look for sustainably-produced / bio / organic / vegan chocolate.

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