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  • Marie

WWF Event: Understanding Your Carbon Footprint Workshop, 27/02/2020

Do you know how much carbon are you personally dumping into the air? Wondering how you can be most effective in the fight against climate change? We will learn more about climate change and where our emissions are coming from. As individuals we frequently feel lost on how to help or what to do.

There are two levels of change required: The system - this takes longer and is frequently out of our control. The individual - these are the changes we can make as individuals and drop our annual emissions from an average of 10 tons CO2 to 4 tons CO2. That is empowerment. That is real change!!

In this workshop you will learn how to use the WWF Footprint calculator and we will give you plenty of ideas for reducing both our individual and collective carbon footprints and build a brighter future. Learn about actions you can take that have the biggest impact, which actions are not as useful as you might think and what systems need to be changed. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions.

Language - English, aber wir können auch auf Deutsch erklären


18:30 - Welcome and introductions 18:35 - Where are things now and where are we headed? Will it really affect me/us here? What can we do about it, Q&A 19:00 - Footprint workshop

Using the WWF Footprint calculator for Switzerland we can understand: -what can I change as an individual -what systems need to be changed 20:15 - Discussion and Q&A 20:30 - Auf Wiedersehen, Tschüss, Ciao, Goodbye,

Presenter: Jack Church (Masters Engineering - energy and materials)

When? Thursday 27 February 2020, 18:30 to 20:30

Cost: Free Event

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