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  • Marie

WWF Meetup event - 18 June 2020: discover vegan cheese

New Roots, a vegan cheesemaker in Switzerland, has the goal to provide an artisanal, tasty, ethical and sustainable alternative to cheese.

In this webinar you will hear from Christi Dufour, a member of the production team, who will share the New Roots story, explain the production process, and give us a quick demo of how to use their cheese to make a delicious tiramisu recipe. We will also look a bit deeper into the benefits concerning carbon emissions when it comes to vegan cheese vs. dairy cheese.

The Zoom Link info will be sent out in an email the morning of the event to participants.

Haven't tried the cheese?

Those who attend the webinar will have access to a discount when ordering on their website!

Click here to register via Meetup, RSVP By 18 June 2020 10am latest. The event is free of charge and will take place online.

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